We have baked bread, made cinnamon rolls and later today have chosen a cherry cake to make http://www.duncanhines.com/recipes/cakes/phyllisteeter/cherry-chip-cake
All the while I am making hats, trying new patterns, ( yesterday I was frog like rip rip rip ) too much Lassie and not enough counting.
I have a new beard pattern in the works which could make for a very nice order, and this time of year that would be great, so I do need to count and find some quiet time to not only crochet but remember to write down what I am doing.
With kids being sent home from school with the flu, this cough and general stuffiness, I just want to fling the doors open and let the germs out! Clear my head and get busy, all that would be possible if the hubby were
not home saying....your letting the cold in! He is clueless!
We also have a nice giveaway on our facebook page so stop by and enter. http://www.duncanhines.com/recipes/cakes/phyllisteeter/cherry-chip-cake
Visit the Etsy shop and see all the new photo prop and newborn items http://www.etsy.com/shop/GrammasGifts and have a great day enjoying your weather no matter what it is!