It is that time of year again, when the kids prepare for the start if school. The final BBQ with family before school starts. I have to confess I for one will be doing the happy dance in the driveway as Tabitha leaves for her first day of 1st grade. We have had Tab since May and I have to say that on any given day she says Aunt Pat about a hundred times. I am tired just from answering. LOL We have practiced reading and she will be starting with some good work skills and hopefully enjoy this new teacher. Also this means it is craft show time again. Crocheting mainly hats, I find that summer shows are very slow and so I wait for fall and the pre Christmas shows. My first show will be a week from today in Waupun Wisconsin at Volkfest. Great polka music all day, delicious food and spending the day new a good friend Marlene who owns #Country Soaps by Marlene. We get to chat and catch up while selling, listening to music and an occasional beer. I have been behind with my hat making due to my new kid duties so will have to step it up. This is alos the same time that orders increase in my Etsy shop due to Halloween orders for the animal hats and early Chrsitmas orders. So far the most asked for hat this season would be the minion and for the littlest ones a rhino. You can never tell from year to year what will be the hit so I just keep on crocheting and go with the flow.

My newest favorites have been the little fox and boston terrier, so much fun and my new motto is "LET NO EARS GO UNCOVERED" so I must find a hat for everyone. That means I should get off the computer and crochet.
But to leave you on a sweet note I would like to share a page link for a cinnamon roll bundt cake that I found. After making this maybe you will also be doing the happy dance! Have a great weekend