The weekend was amazing.. The weather was perfect for families to come to the City Park and enjoy all that was going on. So with this event behind us I am busy getting ready for Harvest Fest ... downtown.
As I paint to try and get a little ahead before I set off on my great adventure.
My daughter has booked us ( her, my 10 year old grandson and myself) on a wonderful train trip to Washington DC. I am so excited and my granson has our 3 days there all mapped out. Tour busses, George Washingtons House and his favorite .....The Library of Congress !!!!
I have always wanted to take a train trip to be able to sit back and enjoy the sights ( PS I dont drive ) and this will be fun to not only see these sights for myself but through his eyes.
As the paint dries I am busy looking for activities for the kids to do at Harvest Fest as well as some new crafters and vendors. Then I still need to find that prize winning apple recipe. At my house we take these contests seriously, I have won, two granddaughters have won, my daughter and grandson have all taken first , second or third in a contest. They are tough to beat !!! If you have a good apple recipe please leave it in a comment I could use the help or any harvest fest suggestions