
Thursday, August 6, 2009

There has been much going on here in Montello and along with other concerned citizens we have beeen trying to draw attention to the state of our Dredge Bank Road. After many flyers were handed out and posters hung around town. Locals spread the word of a meeting last night and with much surprise to those planning this meeting Montello showed up in force. Last nights meeting with local government , Senator Olsen, Rep. Fred Clark and 2 DNR spokesman was well attended. With standing room only we heard how this all came about, a little history of the Dredge Bank, a proposal by the City of Montello for moving the boat launch and repurposing the Dredge Bank. The DNR then explained how they came to their decision to close the Dredge Bank, what needs to be done and that they do not intend to close it completely but need to find a way to repair it so it could be used in case of emergency. I think we made great strides but don't think it is over. We need to keep on top of this and move forward. Committees need to be formed to start planning revitilazation of the area and start looking for funding to help pay for this. Rep. Fred Clark said he would also assist in this process. We hold all the officials to making this plan work. We would also like to thank NBC15 for their coverage, as in the past they have helped us in Montello get our word out.

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