So many things have happened since last I posted. Back in May we lost my Favorite Uncle unexpectedly. Now every family has a crier. You know the one who cries through Lassie movies or when Heidi is calling for Grandfather. That is me. So, for the past month or so, just the mention of him or how horrible the upcoming holidays will be without him brings me to tears. He had no kids and me and mine were his family for holidays. He had a special trick for doing his Christmas shopping. First for the past six years, he arrives for Thanksgiving with an orange piece of paper with all the kids names and sizes. He ushers my daughter Kathy into the room to correct sizes, move kids up to the "cash" list and add any new babies to the list. We have had an ongoing tradition that when you turn 18 you are off the list. Last year he made an executive decision to leave my Granddaughter Lizzie on because she had started college and turned 18 a month before Christmas. He could make those changes he was the UNCLE. We were raised that when Gram said Uncle is coming it was a treat. Lots of hugs and kisses and we were always on our best behavior. That is how it was when I was a kid, my kids were small and now my Grandkids. He only needed one name UNCLE.

This photo is from last Christmas and he is there enjoying Becky's new hat.
Now I do not do well with change so on top of this terrible time, the house we are in was SOLD. Without warning and a" how fast can you move " That means hubby and Me , Kathy and her son Mike, 2 teens, Grandson Joey and his 2 little guys ( we have them during the week) a border collie, bichon, 2 cockapoo puppies, a cat and 4 kittens. Should be a cinch on such short notice!
We have lived here since last July. Set back , lots of pines and last week something back in the pines attacked the puppy and left him for dead. We called and searched til dark and then in the morning the border collie ran out and found him back by a clearing. Chrissy my Grandaughter ran in thinking he was dead. We sent Joe out and he discovered he was still breathing. Off to the vet in Oxford, they drove. BINGO spent 3 days on IV and meds. He came home unable t walk or hold his head straight. BINGO is Carsens puppy and close companion. Of course I cried. I held hiom, talked massaged and prayed alot. Each morning he looked a little better. Day three he walked, wobbly but walked. Day five he ran down the driveway to see the kittens. He still has some issues with his eye but is on the mend. The vet said it looks like some large animal grabbed him by his head and shook him, dropped him and did it over and over. His injuring were almost all to his left side of his face and neck.

before and after.

He lost alot of weight in those few days and sice this photo has had a severe clipping. Chrissy tried out her dog grooming talents and now he looks more like a poodle LOL....its only hair and it will grow back!
Peanut Butter Bones
- 1 package dry yeast
- 1/2 cup lukewarm water
- 1 cup mashed potatoes
- 1 cup milk
- 1/4 cup molasses
- 1/2 cup chicken stock
- 1 cup chunky peanut butter
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 1/2 cup rye flour
- 1/2 cup rice flour
- 1 egg
- 2 cups all-purpose white flour
Preheat oven to 325°F (165°C).
In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in water. In a large saucepan, mix together the potatoes, milk, molasses, stock, and peanut butter. Heat, stirring frequently until boiling. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Add yeast mixture. Gradually blend in the egg, wheat, rye, and rice flours. Add enough white flour to form a stiff dough.
Transfer to a floured surface and knead until smooth (about 3-5 minutes). Shape the dough into a ball and roll to 1/2-inch (12 mm) thick. Using cookie cutters, cut out biscuits. Place on ungreased baking sheets, spacing them about 1/4-inch (6 mm) apart. Gather up the scraps, roll out again, and cut additional biscuits.
Bake for 45 minutes. Let cool overnight. Makes several dozen bones that freeze well--and have the consistency of pizza crusts, a favorite snack for most spoiled dogs!
Newborn Turkey set
I have not got much new crochet done, with holding the dog, crying and oh yes looking for a place to move. There was one good thing, I did receive a copy of my Uncles will and that silly wonderful man left me his house , car and everything in them. Could I live there? I am not sure, would I cry endlessly? A decision that has to be made. It is also about 1 1/2 hours from where we are now. With 3 kids in school I really hate to move far but ...who knows. As my Aunt Charlotte would say give it to God and he will show you the right way. So I will pray on it!