
Thursday, May 28, 2009

June begins classes

With June just around the corner I thought I would post a little about our summer classes. First and probably the most fun for all ages is the rock painting class. Now, not just any rock.....when you leave each person has created their very own bunny rock . It is so much funa nd not all that hard to learn. We provide the paint, rocks and brushes, you bring you imagination !!!!! The cost is just $10.00 per person for the 2 hour class. Saturday mornings are when we schedule most classes but special days and times can be arranged!

We are also offfering beginners crochet classes, just bring a hook and a skein of yarn and you will be on your way to making something grand all on your own@! The cost for this cl;ass is also $10.00 and it lasts about 2 hours!
By the way I hope you are all practicing with your HULA HOOP because June 13th is fast approaching at at 1:00 that day at Daggett Park right in front of the waterfall we will have our contest open to all age groups, come out and join us or just watch.

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