
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Moose on the mind in Montello

Well, we have wiped the winter off the windows and are well into spring.  So, with Moose on everyones mind here in Montello, we are finding new ways to bring MOOSE into the shop.
Starting Saturdays we will have MOOSE POOP cookies, and other treats.
Something for the Moose Hunt followers and those gearing up for Moose Fest.
Hopefully I can get some Mooose Welcome Friends donae along with some Moose on cabin signs and logs.
Here is the first MOOSE POOP Cookie recipe we will try !


•2 sticks of butter (1 cup)

•3/4 cup brown sugar

•3/4 cup white sugar

•2 eggs

•1 tsp vanilla

•2 cups flour

•1/2 tsp salt

•1 tsp baking soda

•3 cups oatmeal

•1 cup chopped walnuts

•2 cups chocolate chips


.Mix all together, drop by 1/4 cup portions on a

.greased cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for 20

Sounds easy enough , I'll let you know

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