
Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh no a Grey Hare!

     I recently watched a program on tv where they talked about a movement by women on embracing their grey hair.  A badge of honor for growing older and hopefully wiser. Why is it men are thought of as more distinguished and women well, old. I was ok with going grey for the most part, until hubby and the grandkids started  to comment on the amount of grey hair I now had.  So, on a recent trip to Walmart I traveled to the hair dye aisle and picked a color I used to use a few years back.  What I found was, they more grey the brighter the color , in this case red.  Hubby says not red but shocking pink!
It is brighter and the grey is gone.  Six weeks til it grows out ......
So with these new developements I came up with a grey hare hat, no more coloring the grey , just hide it from now on.

The model is my Granddaughter, Chrissy.  If you have to have a color fiasco now is a good time, it is red,

All this red made me think maybe I should reat myself, so Chrissy and I made a batch of red Velvet cake Balls  fun to make and delicious to eat. We are going to try the green ones for St. Patricks Day

St. Patricks Day is coming up and I am Irish. Besides I leave the house maybe once a week...who will see me !
These are my two little helpers. JJ the biggest has a new tshirt that says Leprachauns made me do it .... and I am sure that is the case!

They were nice enough to pose so I could list these hats on Etsy, then back to what boys do best, playing with some time out for warm cookies from the oven and hopefully a nap. We could all use one today.
Be sure to visit our facebook page and comment for a chance to win the St. Patricks Day hat!


Bridget said...

I love being a Gramma but I am a young one, so I enjoy having grey hair and intend to leave it. Your hats are adorable (so are your models)

Unknown said...

visiting from locomotion of expressions friend on blog frog.

Paige Harmon said...

Hi Patti! Following from Blog frog mom loop. I love your hats! My MIL makes them for our kids, too, and they love them!